Category Archives: Bullying

The bullies won’t stop!

i am being bullied and i try to ignore it but it won’t stop. please help Continue reading

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Are men threatened by their wife’s sons?

My new husband has no sympathy for my son, who has had a hard time. I find his attitude very uncaring and find it hard to bear. I will always love and care for my children for as long as I am around. I love him too and feel very torn. Continue reading

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They say i look like a boy

Itry my best to be girly and they think i’m acting weird. what can i do? It’s starting to hurt my feelings Continue reading

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I am not ready to have sex but he won’t listen

No matter how many times i have told him that i am not ready he still would not listen. He does not get angry when i push him away, but he keeps asking me until when am i going to stay a virgin. Continue reading

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I’m known as The Nerd

They name-call and exclude me constantly. It gets too much. What do I do? Continue reading

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My dad keeps calling me fat

My dad keeps calling me fat. I’m 11 and going through puberty, and that makes me feel even more insecure about my body. What should i do? Continue reading

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How can my sister stop this harrassment?

My sister’s ex and new partner harass her and make the children miserable. She is at a loss what to do as they have shared care. Please can you give any advice what she can do or how to manage the situation better for her sake and the children’s. Continue reading

Posted in All Advice, Bullying, Children, Family, Relationships, Self-Esteem, Stress | Comments Off on How can my sister stop this harrassment?

I can’t say anything back!

My friend calls me names and I can’t say anything back! Continue reading

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A strange attraction to aggression

My Drama class watched a play about rape & abuse. I was attracted to the guy because of his aggression. Am i weird? Continue reading

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My parents pick on me

Ever since i had a bad experience with someone on the internet my parents have been picking on me. What can i do? Continue reading

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