Category Archives: Family

My mum is so needy

She has to speak to me every day, she keeps ringing and ringing all evening. She won’t make one call and leave a message, it’s like a demand that I pick up the phone when she wants. It makes me think something is wrong when I see all the missed calls to my mobile and landline. My husband is now becoming resentful and she does the same to my brother and his Fiancee and they get stressed over it. Continue reading

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My Dad cheats

i have recently found out that my dad cheated on my mum when i was little. they dont know that i know. they seemed happy together until recently then i found out that my dad has cheated again but this time with my sisier in law! Continue reading

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I hate my brother

He used to hit me. He gets drunk, he snorts cocaine and he doesn’t pay rent. My Mum thinks he’ s an angel. If you have seen Harry Enfield’ s character, Wayne Slob, well, that is exactly like him!! Continue reading

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My in-laws only involve my eldest

They’ve bought all the equipment for a camping trip and have told my eldest that he’s going without his brother on the 1st trip, telling me that it’s because the youngest is still in a cot. (He’s just now moved into a bed) My husband,(who’s an only child) seems to think I’m over-sensitive and that it’s not a problem. Continue reading

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My mother won’t accept I’m gay

I recently come out to my mum that i am gay, and have a boyfriend, which hasn’t gone down well at all. She threatened to leave, and says the only reason she is staying is for my younger brother as she doesnt want me “infecting” him with my “evil” ways. She wants me to dump my kind, considerate boyfriend. Should I? Continue reading

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My 13 year old is ruining it!

Everything was wonderful until two months ago when we told her we were expecting a baby of our own. Since then, she refuses to talk to us, she shouts and slams doors. I’ve got to the point where I could slap her, she’s being so unlike my lovely daughter and such a pain. Continue reading

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Could I have saved my Mum?

I was 11 and I was blamed Continue reading

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I found a lump

I have to go for the usual tests. I am divorced, my adult kids live with their dad. Should I tell them about the lump or should I wait for the results? Continue reading

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My mum and dad are fighting

I am thinking of leaving home. I have got exams coming up and coursework due. I used to get on so well with my mum but all she does is cry and cry. Continue reading

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I am falling in love with my friend’s sister

All I wanted, was to touch her and kiss her, not being able to, was dreadful. How do you deal with the pain of unrequited love? Continue reading

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