Category Archives: Self-Esteem

I’m fat and I’m 10

im aged 10 and i already weigh 10 and a half stone. i know you probably think im some stupid fat girl but i realy need help. i can\’t help it when i get in from school or anywere i just get loads of food out of the fridge and cupboard and eat it. Continue reading

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My son’s on report for fighting

His father has cancelled the last three visits at the last moment and I’m sure it has everything to do with that. I think the school need to know what is happening in his life and how much it hurts and makes him angry but he totally refuses to let me go and speak with his teacher. Continue reading

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I’m not desperate enough to use a dating agency!

I seem to have run through all the available men at work or in my neighbourhood or in my circle. What can you suggest? Continue reading

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The other mums are so unfriendly

There are some other mums at the café I go to but they’re not very friendly. They smile and say hello but they never ask me to join them. How can I make friends? Continue reading

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Was I right to call the cops on my sister?

I let my dad stay with me after getting out of prison. It’s been two months now and I pay for everything and he lets my sister in after being asked not to – she steals from me. Continue reading

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Her old friend beat me

a friend of my wife visited and started out teasing me. she gradually began to twist my arm or pin me to the wall. Now my wife jokes about it , about how i was overpowered and beaten by a woman. Continue reading

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I want to lose weight, get healthier, have my moles removed, motivate myself into doing my school work better, boost my confidence & gain my self esteem & self respect back. Can you help?
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I’m an overweight mother and life is so hard

After i got pregnant my husband started to look at other woman who are skinner than me and he still does. We always fight about it and i cry all the time. Continue reading

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I sweat!

i have a sweate problem and im only 14 Continue reading

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I’m flat chested!

i am 14 and have got 32a sized breasts. it gets me boy likes me because i am flat chested. Continue reading

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