Dear Suzie, i dont no ware to start,so here go”s,i got divorced in 2001,i got 2 girls 6 and 12,theres so much i want to say that i cant be bothered to write and tell you,yet here i am telling my tale to someone i dont no,i am involved with my partner at mo for just over 3 yrs,sorry i cant do this,i cant type fast as i speak,i at the end of my,last xmas i tried to take my life and i am struggling so very much,i got 2 lovely daughters plz help me
You sound really depressed and at your wits end. I really think it would be good for you to get some support and help, for your own sake and for your daughter’s sake. Would you have a word with your doctor and tell him how upset you are and how much you’d value someone to talk with?
I know it feels odd to talk to someone you don’t know but that’s why it helps – you can spill it all out, get it said, take suggestions to make some sense and some changes, and then walk away. It’s as if you can leave all that depression and upset in the room with the counsellor and be free of it.
Your doctor may be able to help or will refer you to someone who can. You deserve someone to be there for so please do go and ask for help. and if it all gets desperate, call the Parentline Plus freephone helpline on 0808 800 2222 or Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90. Good luck!