Category Archives: Children

It was all a lie

My husband walked out on me two months ago and I feel such a fool. I feel as if the whole marriage – our children, our life together – was a lie and I don’t know how to go on. Continue reading

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Should I give up my girlfriend and our children?

I don’t know what to do. I’ve never been happy with my wife and since she’s very religious she will not allow me a divorce, mainly for the kids. She knows I don’t love her. I’ve fallen in love with someone else, she’s pregnant – what should I do? Continue reading

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My dad keeps calling me fat

My dad keeps calling me fat. I’m 11 and going through puberty, and that makes me feel even more insecure about my body. What should i do? Continue reading

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How can my sister stop this harrassment?

My sister’s ex and new partner harass her and make the children miserable. She is at a loss what to do as they have shared care. Please can you give any advice what she can do or how to manage the situation better for her sake and the children’s. Continue reading

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Are her periods about to start?

She’s had a discharge for 8 months – is it an infection or puberty? Continue reading

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Will I be able to become pregnant?

Dear Suzie,             Me & My boyfriend [Of 4 years] have decided to start trying for a child in July. I will come off the pill and we will just have sex as usual and hope to become pregnant.    … Continue reading

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How can i help my 17 year old, angry and on drugs?

Dear Suzie,  I have a wonderful son, he is 17 years old. He is very angry with me right now. He has been using drugs since he was 14, hard drugs like cocaine and speed. I have sent him to … Continue reading

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My 17 yr old son thinks he owns me

My fiancé has had to move out of our home because of alcoholic problems and stealing money and i’m at the end of my tether with my 17 year old son who thinks he owns me. Continue reading

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Timers and courses

I would like to know if you run any training courses, I work with 11 to 18 year olds at a school. I very much enjoy your books and your TV programme ‘Step Families’. I am wondering where you buy your timers. Continue reading

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stepfamily dilemma

My husband and son used to get along however, when I fell pregnant with my daughter things turned horrible. I don’t know how long I can continue to be the referee between them. Please come to Australia and help me!!!! Continue reading

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