Category Archives: Stress

After 27 years, am I selfish to want to be alone?

I’ve been married for 27 years but for 10 years, on and off, I’ve felt I would like to live alone. My husband is not a bad man and I have 3 brilliant children and would be hurting them if I left but I don’t know what to do. Continue reading

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How can my sister stop this harrassment?

My sister’s ex and new partner harass her and make the children miserable. She is at a loss what to do as they have shared care. Please can you give any advice what she can do or how to manage the situation better for her sake and the children’s. Continue reading

Posted in All Advice, Bullying, Children, Family, Relationships, Self-Esteem, Stress | Comments Off on How can my sister stop this harrassment?

I can’t take my mum’s depression!

Since my baby brother was born, my mum has been seriously depressed. We’ve done all we could but I don’t have a clue what more I can do. Please help. Continue reading

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My parents pick on me

Ever since i had a bad experience with someone on the internet my parents have been picking on me. What can i do? Continue reading

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Will we bring each other down?

We’re both quite depressive, and he’s going away soon. Should i let things continue? Continue reading

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I’m tearing my hair out

I have researched it but can’t stop. Continue reading

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